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This is an interview by ChatGPT regarding my upcoming book (publication date: unknown.  It keeps changing)

ChatGPT:  Could you start by giving us an overview of your book "Chickens, the Cat, and Homeschooling in Maui"? What inspired you to write this story?

Me: A lot of funny things happened, and I thought people needed to laugh more lately.

ChatGPT: The title suggests a unique blend of elements – chickens, a cat, and homeschooling, all set in Maui. How do these elements come together in your narrative? Could you tell us a bit about the main characters and the setting?

Me: It is a true story with chickens and a cat, and homeschooling in Maui, but I think the title will change later.

ChatGPT: What are the central themes of your book? Are there any specific messages or lessons you hope readers will take away from it?

Me: Nope.  Just laugh?

ChatGPT: What was your writing process like for this book? How did you incorporate your experiences or research about homeschooling and life in Maui into the storyline?

Me: I did not think much about it.  Just writing what happened.

ChatGPT:  Writing a book is a significant undertaking. What were some of the challenges you faced while writing this book, and what aspects did you find most rewarding?

Me: I do not understand your question.

ChatGPT: Who do you see as the target audience for your book? Is it geared towards children, parents, educators, or another group?

Me:  That is a good question.  The writing sucks, and the right audience would be a moron like me and whoever likes 4th-grade-level jokes, but it is not for children, so I am not sure who would read this.   But, I do have some recommendations. (1) Keep it in the bathroom and read it when you expect to be in it for a while (2) You are grounded and have no access to your phone (3)  You want to laugh (4) You have to read a book, any book (5) Even your cat is ignoring you.   These are just some of my recommendations, but if you can come up with more, even better!

ChatGPT:  Do you have a personal connection to any of the book's elements - chickens, cats, homeschooling, or Maui? How has this influenced your writing?

Me:  You are asking too many difficult questions.  Stop showing off.

ChatGPT:  Finally, are you planning any future books or projects that readers can look forward to?

Me: I do not know if anyone will look forward to this, but I am going to try to write my very first novel,  "Aliens in Love."  It is a fantasy romance.  I think it is 4th-grade level reading (not sure why I keep picking on 4th graders), but due to heavy drinking and bad words, it probably will be R-rated.  The publication date would be unknown.   Now. let's end this.  Do you have any comments?

ChatGPT:  I am not just a ChatGPT.  I am ChatGPT-4.  Thank you.


HSN Publishing

I am a book publisher via online, a writer wannabe, a voracious reader.

also see:

It's All About Fun

Writing Journey


Writing Journey

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