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Hey there! Just wanted to give a quick shoutout and apologize for the messy formatting in the books you purchased. I know most of you are probably family and friends, so I wanted to be upfront about the issues caused by software problems from the company I used. I did my best to proofread them, but after reading each book a million times (or feeling like it), I might have lost focus... maybe even in my dreams.  I've unpublished all the paperbacks and will be updating them soon in a few days.  Luckily, Amazon has a 30-day return policy, so you can send them back and get your hands on the shiny new and improved versions. Thanks for your support by the way! I rushed this page even though my website isn't ready yet.  I told myself, what a lousy first impression this is!  I gotta fix this!

Well, now that we are here, Welcome to HSN Publishing!  I like decorating my room with books, and now I've got some ebooks and paperbacks in my online store. I originally planned to start with just one book, knowing how much money and time it would require to bring birth to a single book,  but patience is not my forte, and my professional writers churned out tons of books while I was working on a single 30,000-word book... that I am still working on.  Once I'm done raising these adopted but loving  children, I can finally wrap up my own. Sorry if I sound like a zombie, it's been 20 hours without sleep.  Ever since this venture, I forget to eat or sleep...

Why do writers and publishers offer their beloved ebooks for just 99 cents?  We are not selling them.  We are asking nicely to give us a thumbs up, aka, review. Reviews are the currency in the publishing world.  You can't survive in the Amazon jungle without a bunch of glowing reviews. I knew this, but it really hit me when I started dabbling in Amazon Ads. Trying to outbid the big players with just 20 or so reviews is like taking on a Goliath.  (Well, wrong story.  Here, David loses). So, I'll be launching Facebook ads and other campaigns as soon as I get some sleep.  I took classes on this stuff and they stressed the importance of getting reviewers on board first, even before publishing, but I said, sleep first.

My books are either in Kindle Unlimited or up for grabs at just 99 cents, but on December 25th, they'll be free as a little gift from me to you. Hopefully, you'll find something you enjoy. But if you do get a book, please do leave a review.  I may have some free promotion days before that, and I will post it once I find out!

I'll share my website, work in progress -very soon... the only thing that works on the site is.. yes, you can click the cover and get to Amazon to get the books.  Thank goodness.  My website engineer is too busy having a blast to finish it.

Thank you.


HSN Publishing

I am a book publisher via online, a writer wannabe, a voracious reader.

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